If your child is applying to an advanced academic program in the area, their application may benefit from including the results of a cognitive test. This is also true for gifted program appeals.
Many independent schools in the area require cognitive tests as part of their application process.
I offer the tests required by these programs, including:
- Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition (Early SB-5)
- Weschler Intelligence Test for Children, Fifth Edition (WISC-V)
- Woodcock Johnson, Fourth Edition, Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ-IV)
- Woodcock Johnson, Fourth Edition, Tests of Achievement (WJ-IV)
Gifted and Talented Program Application and Appeals Information for Selected Local School Districts
Fairfax County Public Schools Advanced Academics Program (AAP) identification and placement
Fairfax County Public Schools Advanced Academics Program (AAP) appeals
Alexandria City Public Schools Talented and Gifted Program (TAG) appeals
Arlington Public Schools gifted services appeals

Helpful Resources
Council for Exceptional Children
Emerging Scholars Program
Gifted Education Research & Resource Institute
National Association for Gifted Children
Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center
Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted
Virginia Department of Education: Gifted Education
Virginia Association for the Gifted